Las bailarinas, perfecta unión entre comodidad y estilo.​

Las siempre funcionales bailarinas o manoletinas. Un buen par que no debe faltar de tu armario y si no echa un vistazo a nuestros preciosos modelos Viorica del Prado.

The dancers consider a model very demanded among women because they are the result of the perfect union between comfort and style. They were considered the most stylish women in the world: the French... and how many times we have seen them giving us a lesson on how to wear dancers or manoletinas and how to combine them.

Some languages say that we borrow them from the men's wardrobe since the term comes from the matador Manolete for its similarity in the footwear used by the torreros, but they are already more ours than theirs and since then we have not stopped experimenting with them. They are so comfortable, especially when handmade by the best craftsmen in Spain, carefully choosing the best materials. Each stitch is a tradition in the world of the dancer, as they have to be easy to wear and comfortable, combined with a good sole and the right leather so that the foot does not suffer.


¿Cómo me pongo unas manoletinas?​

Negras o granate, los colores que excelencia de todas las celebrities, que están haciendo furor en Internet. Junto a una minifalda o unos pantalones sastre, harán de tu la mujer mas sofisticada del mundo.

De uniforme de cole a tu vestidor de adulta, las bailarinas o mocasines demuestran formalidad, inspiración masculina. Calzados con un vestido veraniego, son los básicos por excelencia pero como bien sabéis a veces: menos es más y la elegancia también esta en lo sencillo.

You can wear them with classic jeans, little black dress, and if you choose colors in pastel tone will highlight more your finesse and style of footwear, especially give importance to the embroidery they wear each. The black one a free bird of golden color and the garnet one model type Damascus also in golden.



The trends for black and gold this year make these dancers not only a daily shoe, but also occasional and even party.
You can't doubt it anymore: you have to have a pair yes or yes! The colors and the details we put it: you just worry about the look.

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